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Starting with my strengths, I scored a perfect 1.00 in PLO4 to PLO8, which indicates my ability to investigate complex engineering problems, engage in professional engineering practice, comprehend good practices of engineering in sustainable development, execute my responsibilities as an engineer professionally and ethically, and communicate effectively and professionally on complex engineering activities. These scores demonstrate that I have a solid foundation in the core principles of engineering and can apply them effectively in practice.

Moving on to my weaker areas, I scored a 0.50 in PO1, which indicates that I may need to work on my ability to gain and apply principles of mathematics, science, and engineering to the solutions of complex engineering problems. Similarly, my score of 0.75 in PO3 suggests that I may need to improve my ability to design innovative solutions for complex engineering problems. In PO9, I scored 0.83, indicating that I may need to work on my ability to function effectively as a team leader or member in a multidisciplinary setting.

to conclude, while I have several areas that may require improvement, my strong scores in PLO4 to PLO8 demonstrate that I have a solid foundation in the core principles of engineering and can apply them effectively in practice. I can use this self-analysis to identify areas where I need to focus my efforts and work towards continuous improvement in my engineering skills and knowledge.

This spider web analysis to represent scores for each of the 12 program learning outcomes (PLOs) as points on a spider web, with each point corresponding to one of the PLOs. By connecting the points, it forms a polygon that represents my overall performance.


For better understanding, the 12 PLOs are:


  1. PLO1 Ability to gain and apply principles of Mathematics, Science and Engineering to thesolutions of complex engineering problems.

  2. PLO2 Ability to undertake complex engineering problem analysis and apply engineering principles to solve them.

  3. PLO3 Ability to design innovative solutions for complex engineering problems.

  4. PLO4 Ability to investigate complex engineering problems using research techniques.

  5. PLO5 Ability to select and use suitable tools and techniques for complex engineering problems.

  6. PLO6 Ability to engage in professional engineering practice for safety, health, social, cultural and legal responsibilities in developing solutions for complex engineering problems.

  7. PLO7 Ability to comprehend and demonstrate good practices of engineering in sustainable development and environmental considerations for the solutions of complex engineering problems.

  8. PLO8 Ability to execute the responsibilities of an Engineer professionally and ethically.

  9. PLO9 Ability to function effectively as a team leader or a member in a team within a multidisciplinary settings.

  10. PLO10 Ability to communicate effectively and professionally on complex engineering activities.

  11. PLO11 Ability to demonstrate entrepreneurship skills, engineering project management and economic decision making in multidisciplinary environments.

  12. PLO12 Ability to recognise the need for, and be able to engage in independent and life-long learning towards continuous professional development.

Parallel Lines

Future Plans

  • Short-term plans include seeking mentorship or tutoring to improve foundational skills, practicing creative problem-solving, and seeking team-based opportunities.


  • Long-term plans involve specialized training, developing leadership skills, and building professional networks.

  • For my weakness in PO1, my short-term plan could be to review my foundational knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering through self-study or additional coursework. I could also seek out the guidance of a mentor or tutor who can help me strengthen my skills in these areas. In the long term, I could focus on staying up-to-date with the latest developments in mathematics, science, and engineering by attending workshops, conferences, and continuing education courses.


  • For my weakness in PO3, my short-term plan could be to practice more creative problem-solving techniques, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, and design thinking. I could also seek out opportunities to work on more complex engineering projects that challenge me to think outside the box. In the long term, I could focus on building my expertise in a particular area of engineering by pursuing specialized training or additional education.


  • For my weakness in PO9, my short-term plan could be to seek out more opportunities to work in team-based settings, such as group projects, collaborative research, or industry internships. I could also focus on developing my leadership skills by seeking out leadership roles in student organizations or professional societies. In the long term, I could focus on building my network of contacts within the engineering industry and seeking out mentors who can guide me in my career development as a team leader or member.

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